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Dropped into Mary Moore at 7 o’clock tonight. Met a grandmother and her 2 year-old nieta at the fishing pier who was so excited to talk to hikers. The little girl brought us pebbles from a stack she was piling, and we pretended with her that it was food. She said, “Cheese! Mmmmm.” She shouted with joy and ran to hug my wife’s leg. We watched the turtles with her as they rolled back-and-forth in the water like tambourines. Her grandma looked at us sadly, smiling, and said, “She misses people.”

We ventured over to Slaughter Creek and enjoyed all of the fast water, but I soaked my shoes and feet. I counted five fisherman slippin’ on mud and rocks. Met one who caught a huge crappie. Showed us his catch-selfie with pride. Seawright was muggy and lush tonight, a jungle. The red and yellow wildflowers blazed across the meadows.


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